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  1. StringerBell

    COMMUNITY Slovakia Prime Minister Shot Multiple Times in Reported Assassination Attempt

  2. StringerBell

    Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) announced she will not seek reelection this year.

  3. StringerBell

    Congressman Tackled and Handcuffed in Bodycam Footage: ‘You Better Recalculate, Motherf*cker!’

  4. Inori

    Apple TV The Problem with Jon Stewart (CANCELED After 2 Seasons)

  5. NeighborhoodNomad

    OPINION Could You Date Someone With A Different Political POV?

    Could you date someone with different political or social POV than yours?
  6. StringerBell

    Mayor Pete Buttigieg Fired South Bend’s Black Police Chief. It Still Stings.

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/19/us/politics/buttigieg-black-police-chief-fired.html This first negative story I’ve seen about this guy.. I wonder if after this the media will start asking him tough questions.. Or will continue to go easy him because they don’t want offend the LBGTQ community...
  7. StringerBell

    Chicago’s new mayor challenged to heal marginalized communities

  8. SeaSnake

    OPINION Do you think World War 3 will happen in our lifetime?

    So the US has not been in a major openly declared war against a superpower since WW2. Yes we were in Vietnam for like 10 years and we been in Iraq and Afghanistan almost 20 years. But those countrires aint super powers like say a UK, Russia, China, or Korea. The US and allies have been behind a...
  9. SeaSnake

    Breaking News Ed Buck prominent political activist under suspicion for death of young black man

  10. Judge Dread

    Politics unusual

    This will be a place for all things related to Government and the craziness of what we see going on. Is Trump beyond arrogant or just stupid. He knows everyone is looking at his connections to Russia and you have a sit down and discuss sensitive information with them in the middle of the storm?
  11. AP2.5

    To vote or not to vote

    Which side are you on? Do you do it because it's your Civic duty or you don't believe it changes a damn thing?
  12. Golden

    It's the first date or 2. Who picks up the tab? Do you split the check?

    Let's do this.