Is a hotdog a sandwich?

Is a glizzly sammich really a thing?

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So by Du logic if u can make it work with a tortilla then tacos are sandwiches too

And I have a weird feeling someone gonna come try n make a case for it

tortillas are unleavened so it doesnt really count as bread


But the 7/11 hotdogs go

Not even gonna rehash the phone convo that one of the drivers hit me up asking if i like hotdogs went beyond this
Food item consisting of bread and meat, cheese, or other fillings.
you ever took a hotdog out the fridge and put it in on some bread and added cheese and other fillings? Then another piece of bread to make it complete?

I dunno that this needs this much debate.


That’s the definition. A hotdog falls within that definition. Therefore…it’s a sandwich.

Doesn’t really matter if you want it to be a sandwich or if you think it’s weird that it’s a sandwich. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a sandwich.