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Recent content by Bender Rodriguez

  1. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    somebody getting sued
  2. Bender Rodriguez

    Is Terrence Howard The Real Life Tony Stark

    after wataching about a quarter of this interview so far terrence reminds me of kanye west where they wont stick to 1 subject and constantly going from on subject to the next. Think it was samson or someone else said there mind is moving at 100mph and just trying to get it all out instead of...
  3. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    Ayo did drake ever come to the defense of HIS crew and not himself. Cause you way could someone famous come out and say im a pedo in public and you just not say something in defense of me
  4. Bender Rodriguez

    Freddie Gibbs beats pregnant girlfriend 🤰🏽

    I was going to say something kinda mean about her but nah
  5. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    what did this say meatbags??
  6. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    Becuase its been brought up years ago like i said before this beef ever happened
  7. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    that pedo shit was up on this very site, this how i know you a fucking stan
  8. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    Wait just got her so yall mad at that people putting that lil girl info all over the net but didnt drake leak that info so.....yall should be mad at drake right??
  9. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    Lol at he likes HS girls bball....so that means in the last year he has been to or follows other HS girls teams???....right right
  10. Bender Rodriguez

    FEATURED Who You Got: Drake, Cole or Kendrick?

    WhErE nOt TrYiNg To ThInK!!!!!