FEATURED The Club Shay Shay Thread


I mean all Ced should've done was screenshot the fact that he does have a comedy special on Netflix that's been there for years. That right there would've shut that part down.

As for the rest as funny and smart as Katt is he does come off as a Supreme hater at times. And is also guilty of much of what he accuses other comics of...being lazy. Nigga put out a run of like 3-4 stand up specials that had the same jokes in them and has said plenty of dumb shit too. Nigga tried the whole "if evolution is real then why are monkeys still here" joke in one special and I cut that shit right off
25mins in and this nigga talking. Surely he can't sustain this for another 2hrs

I feel him on not letting niggas rewrite history. Shit to documented for somethings to go unchallenged
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40+ min in. He's telling some weird wishy-washy, half-assed story about him and his father and what led to him moving out. He's throwing out wild ass metaphors then immediately retracting and getting dodgy about details whenever Shannon asks for clarification or starts tracing out the metaphor and which parts represents which real life counterpart. Just a whole bunch of shifty lying energy in every answer he gives regarding the subject. It's odd

45+ min He just tried to spin some bullshit about Disney sending a cease and desist letter about him attempting to use the name Kat in the Hat early in his career. Disney doesn't own Cat in the Hat.
Muhfucka dissed Ced, Steve, Rickey Smiley, Faizon, Michael Blackston, Kevin Hart, even Earthquake caught one. (He said Quake was illiterate)

Katt out here ready for WAR.
Now the quake one, I believe

Only because when Dave Chappelle was on this wave to bring light to classic black comedians and gave them a special through him on Netflix, go watch it and you’ll see

Quakes was just a rambling mess, definitely not the effort of someone that writes and rehearses jokes. And then quake said himself later, he don’t got sets he just freestlye

That made that quake special make sense In retrospect
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I see what Kat do, he made so many enemies that it’s hard to make money. So every now and then, he hit the market with the most viral black interviewer he can get, and he laces everyone

Of course they come out to defend themselves

And then he tours black circuits for people that wanna hear Kat talk bad about the people they envy.

Nasty work really, but you can only do it but for so long